民营公司 150-500人 通信/电信/网络设备
民营公司 150-500人 通信/电信/网络设备
背景 深圳市飞通宽带技术有限公司自1993年成立以来便专注于有线电视光传输网络和宽带IP接入领域,致力于有线电视光传输技术和宽带接入技术的研究和发展。通过19年持续不断的高速发展和经验积累,已成为CATV光传输技术的领先者、宽带IP接入的专家,具备向网络运营商提供全面的光传输解决方案的丰富经验。 Brief Shenzhen Photon Broadband Technology Co., Ltd. (PBB) is a CATV products manufacturer. Since its inception of business in 1993, PBB has been focusing on CATV optical transmission and broadband IP access network development. After 19 years commitment in this area, PBB has become the worldwide leader in CATV optical transmission and the expert in broadband IP access network, and has provided the complete optical transmission solution to many multi-service-providers (MSO) domestically and internationally. 文化 飞通公司始终坚持人才与企业共同发展的经营理念,关注员工的技能培训和职业发展,并致力于建设诚信正直、坦诚沟通、关爱互助、平等工作和以结果为导向的企业文化。我们始终秉持持续改进、不断创新、恪守质量以超越客户需求和期望的经营哲学。面对新的环境和挑战,我们肩负新的使命,我们正以新的理念、思维、战略规划未来蓝图!我们对未来充满信心,我们希望能结识更多的朋友,共同发展和进步,携手共创美好明天! Culture PBB has always had the strong belief that people are the core competency of our company and should grow together with the company. PBB is dedicated to PBB people’s professional training and career advancement path, and has been building the culture of integrity, honesty, open communication, team work spirit, equal working environment, and result driven. PBB also shapes its belief in innovation and continuous improvement to bring its customers the complete solution with world class quality in technology, design, product, manufacturing, service and support. We’re carrying our mission to face the challenge from the ever changing dynamic economic environment and are plotting our bright future with all PBB people—who are currently in PBB and who will join PBB! 工作时间:五天八小时 (8:30—11:30 12:30—17:30) 福 利:1、五险一金 2、商业保险 3、年休假(入职当月即开始享有年休假,一年6天,两年7天---最高为15天年休假) 4、年休假、产(看护假)、婚假、孕检假、---等假期均全额带薪休假 5、服务满三年后,每年可享受6天全薪病假 6、年度旅游经费 7、年终奖(视公司年度经营情况而定) 8、产线员工提供工作餐及宿舍(或餐补、房补)